Monday, December 11

Malaysia Borders Bookstore Manga Club

Love reading manga? Why not curl up in a comfortable chair and discuss it with likeminded people at a bookstore? ELIZABETH TAI finds out about Borders’ Manga Book Club.

IMAGINE being able to discuss a manga and make friends at the same time in the comfort of a bookstore. If you fancy this, you’d be glad to know that Borders bookstores will be launching a Manga Book Club this month where you can do exactly that.

Full article is here.

Man, I have a good reason to go back to Malaysia now. Nothing beats the joy of hearing reading and sit around with like minded people. It is about time anyway, since manga has quite a following in Malaysia with long affinity with comics as one of the genre. I still remember the old days of localized Malay comic books which quite vibrant and Chinese Jade Man comics, selling in some smelly cheap corner store owned by an Indian. Those were nostaligic days.

Good days are surely nice to remember.

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