Sunday, August 31

Ponyo on the Cliff of Seas is beating Sky Crawlers

Ponyo / 崖の上のポニョ

Sky Crawlers / スカイ・クロラ

Looks like 2 old adversaries fight again where Miyazaki and Oishii who once bantered against other; criticizing each other philosophy regarding anime vision. Miyazaki calling Oishii as too dense and high minded whereas Oishii regarded Miyazaki as too much fluff and shallow.

Very detailed discussion on their differences

According to latest news in Japan, Ponyo is so far reigned supreme with 10 billion yen in ticket sales whereas Oishii latest opus is languishing at no 7 in box office in the opening.

News link
Sky Crawler's opening

Personally I looking forward more to Oishii's work.

Interview with Mamoru Oishii and the game promo for Sky Crawlers.

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