Monday, March 23

Cat Shit One / Apocalyspe Meow the Animation

Title: Cat Shit One - the Animated Series
Production: Studio Anima

Director: Kazuya Sasahara
Original Manga (released in the USA as Apocalypse Meow): Motofumi Kobayashi
Format: 23 min. 12 episodes
Target Viewers: Survival game fans and military fans

The production of the series is looking for investors right now as this entry was written. 1st episode is about 3 PMCs (Rat, Botasky and Packy) surrounded by guerrilas demanding withdrawal of US Armed Forces from the local area.
(No animals were harmed in this trailer)

Serious gunfight.
With cute animals.
My kinda alley (grins).

In the trailer, the PMCs were covering each other properly and have semi realistic gun fighting, not Hollywood stuff. Apparently it is based on 2 volume manga titled Cat Shit One '80, a Cold War story.

My review, 1 year plus later.

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Anonymous said...

Do you know what's that hand gun in Packi's hand. I've fired a Glock 17 and the sound is a little different than the ones in Packi's.

Looks like the show is slated for winter if everything goes well. If done right, I know it will be pretty popular in the North American market.


Anonymous said...


I suspect Packy was using .45 as his sidearm, mirroring the favourite caliber of most US Spec Ops. The action is too fast for me to catch which manufacturer is but it safe to bet since Packy is Vietnam War veteran, highest probability will be M1911 Custom.

Oh yes, the American fans were more excited about this than local Japanese market. Interesting pattern.


rr150015 said...

looks alot like a USP. its an amazing weapon transition

wipop said...

Yeah, I suspect the real majority fans are kind of outside of japan... too bad you can only get subs and not watch it on youtube because of the license.