Monday, August 25

Using Anime as teaching tool

The Impact of Popular Culture Fandom on Perceptions of Japanese Language and Culture Learning: The Case of Student Anime Fans

This research examines the impact of popular culture fandom on perceptions of foreign language and culture learning within a Japanese studies context, using the example of student ‘anime’ (Japanese animation) fans. Anime, described by Tominaga (2002) as “presently one of the most popular expressions of Japanese culture in America,” was chosen for its apparent popularity among students of Japanese. This dissertation presents the results of a study that qualitatively describes the phenomenon of anime fandom as it relates to a sample of ten Japanese language students’ perceptions of the Japanese language and culture and of language learning.

Full article here

Using anime as teaching tool in language programs is main scope of discussion here, using popular meme for academia is always a good thing. Afterall academia suppose to reflect what a society is and this discussion is manifestation of it. I always believe in practical and close to life type of higher education. Since anime is becoming more and more of a global phenomenon, perhaps it is time for Japanese language program to consider it as legitimate tool to teach the difficult language?

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