Thursday, July 18

Hataraku Maou Sama is Doing Very Well on Sales

The charming little series, Hataraku Maou Sama make quite an impression on Bluray sales in Japan, breaking the normal barrier for 1st volume.

At number 8, 1st volume of the series already sold 11,192 copies so far in July 8th - 14th time period. If the sales is sustained then sequel is a very likely prospect. I will not be surprised if the 2nd season will be announced end of this year or 2014. Time will tell.

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New "Chuunibyou Demo Koi Shita!" movie trailer

As title says, here we go:

Looks great, this charming Kyo Ani series have a movie treatment, guess it is not too shabby in the market. It is a recap of the series from main female character with some additional scenes. Coming soon on 14th September 2013.

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